
2020/02/01 PM - Patrol Officer: Intro to Gun Fight - Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Sale price Price $65.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Our friends at Alberta Self Defence Academy in Alberta Canada is putting on a certification course for Patrol Officer CQB. Click the "REGISTER NOW" button above for their website to get more information on the class.


DATE: 02/01/20

TIME: 1300 - 1700 hours

You will Learn how to blend your Control Tactics skills with  shooting skills in a close quarter gun fighting environment.


- Holstered handgun retention, standing & grounded

- Drawn handgun retention

- Gun vs. knife

- Weapon disarms

- Shooting from dynamic platforms

- Counter ambush

This is a Certification Course. You will need either a SIRT or red man gun, patrol holster, flash light and suitable indoor training clothes.

Course is designed for all patrol level: Police, Sheriffs, Corrections, Military, Fish and Wildlife and Peace Officers